Una vez le pedí a Papá Noel , y ya era adulta, deseaba que me trajera un regalo especial…algo único para mí. No era Navidad, y una noche recibí ese obsequio inesperado: mi muñequita de tela Galathea. Era una muñeca de muestra del taller de Papá Noel, y del taller de Santa vino directamente a mis manos, para que yo pudiera diseñarle nuevos vestidos, para darle colores, para crearle un mundo de retazos y pespuntes cálido y mágico.
Galathea is light
Once I asked Santa, and I was already an adult, I wanted him to bring me a special gift … something unique for me. It was not Christmas, and one night I received this unexpected gift : my little doll made out of fabrics Galathea. It was a sample of the Santa's workshop, and from this workshop Galathea came directly to my hands, in order that I could design for her new wardrove, to give her new colors, to create her a warm and magic world of remnants and backstitchings.

Muñequita de tela GALATHEA ilumina con tu magia este taller y haz que todos los seres que nazcan aquí lleven un poco de tu luz al mundo.
Little doll Galathea light up with your own magic my workshop. Make possible all the beigns which born here bring some light to the world.